Adding keyboard shortcuts for OSX terminal or xterm

keyboard shortcutslinuxmacosterminalxterm

Is there a way to add a keyboard shortcut for a terminal command in OSX. Basically most of the times i open the terminal app in MAC in order to ssh into a certain server foo. What I want to do is add a keyboard shortcut (say ^k) so that on a terminal when I do that, it runs "ssh foo" in the terminal.


PS: I think if there is something for the xterm in linux then it should work for the terminal too. So this might not be an OSX specific question.

PS2: I want the shortcut to do carriage return with the "ssh foo". If its just "ssh foo", then I can write an alias in .bashrc. My goal is to minimize the number of keystrokes I've to do at the end of the day.

Best Answer

You are right, this is not an OS X specific question. The answer is found in bash, the standard shell on OS X (also included in most if not all Linux distros).

bash provides a built-in command called bind that can be used to bind a key combination (like AltK) to a command (like ssh foo).

Open Terminal and type:

bind '"\ek":"ssh foo\n"'

This will bind the key combination \ek (in Terminal both AltK and EscK) to the command ssh foo. The \n adds a return.

Now press AltK and ssh foo will be executed (modify ssh foo to your needs).

If you want this key combination to be automatically loaded when starting a Terminal create a file called .inputrc in your home folder:

cd ~
touch .inputrc

and open it:

open -e ~/.inputrc

You will see TextEdit open. Type:

"\ek":"ssh foo\n"

and save it (or use your favorite editor). That's it!

There's much more to it than what I've explained here. I recommend that you have a look to this question: and check (the rather dry) section READLINE in man bash. Notice that the escape sequence \M-, which in other operating systems is mapped to Alt, doesn't work in Terminal. You need to use \e to bind Alt.

Since escape sequences are terminal emulation dependent I'd like to share the setup I used to test the above command:

enter image description here

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