Android – Add Watermark to the bottom right


I want to add a watermark at the bottom right with query given below, also shown in this image:

My command is:

String[] command121 = {
"-loop", "1",
"-i", inputPath_image.jpg,
"-preset", "ultrafast", "-filter_complex", 
[outv]","-map", "[outv]","-map", "0:a", "-c:v",       
"libx264", "-c:a", "aac", "-shortest", output.mp4};

And this is my command for the watermark :
"[1] scale=70:70 [tmp]; [0][tmp] overlay=main_w-overlay_w-10:main_h-overlay_h-10"

But not able to implement in the above query.

Best Answer

Use scale, showwaves, vstack, overlay, setsar, and format filters:

ffmpeg \
    -loop 1 \
    -i background.jpg \
    -i logo.png \
    -i audio.mp3 \
    -filter_complex " \
    " \
    -map "[v]" \
    -map 2:a \
    -c:a copy \
    -preset ultrafast \
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