Add unallocated space to lvm


I shrunk my windows partition and now have 10 GB of unallocated space that I now want to use to grow my / partition which is an ext4 in an lvm. I'm running Fedora 12.

I ran system-config-lvm but the "Initialize Entry" button is greyed out.

The unallocated space is not adjacent to the lvm but I cannot move the partitions in GParted like I was able to with ext3 in the past. I cannot create a new partition either as it says it cannot have more than 4 primary partitions. I don't see any option to create an extended partition.

So my question is, how do I add that unallocated space to the lvm so I can grow the size of the / partition?

I don't want to reinstall Fedora.

Best Answer

Unfortunately, it sounds like you do indeed have four primary partitions -- two for the NTFS partitions, one for your /boot and one for the lvm. Extended partitions lives inside a primary partition dedicated to holding them, so you won't be able to make any.

I'm not sure there's an easy way out for you, other than to find some secondary storage to move data onto while you shuffle partitions. If you decide to do this, you should be able to copy entire logical volumes rather than the contents of the filesystems. Gparted can't cope with lvm, unfortunately, so you may have to copy the contents of the lvm elsewhere, delete that partition, move the others around (you may be able to move the content of the primary partitions into extended partitions, for future flexibility) then recreate the lvm and copy the data back.

That's a lot of work, sorry :(.