Windows 8 – Add Programs to Start Menu Search Without Adding a Tile

modern-uistart-menuwindows 8

In Windows 7, I had many portable software programs like KeePass, PDF X-change, or Chrome application shortcuts that I used the portable version rather than full install. With these I was able to add a shortcut to my start menu that would hide in the All Programs list, but come up if I hit Windows and started typing.

I am trying to get the same functionality with Windows 8. I can pin programs to the start menu and have the tile for them, but for most of them I don't really need or want a tile. I just want Windows to know they are programs when I hit Windows and start typing. When I pin it to the start menu, it works. When I remove it, it doesn't.

Is there a way to add programs to the hidden part of the start menu. I've noticed that other programs I install have shortcuts that work without having a dedicated tile on the start screen. How can I get the same functionality with my own custom applications

Best Answer

You can open C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs and add a shortcut there. It will appear both in the All apps list (on the Start screen, open the bottom menu and choose "All apps") and as a tile on the start screen itself. And it will also be available in app search. You then have to unpin the icon from the start screen by right-clicking on it and choosing Unpin from Start from the bottom menu.

For the local user's path, use C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs folder.

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