Accurately cut video files from command line

.mp4command linevideovideo editing

I'm having trouble finding a cli application that can take a video file (avi, mkv, and mp4 preferably) and cut out very short clips (2-6 seconds) with precision time accuracy. I've tried ffmpeg, mencoder, avidemux, and mp4box but they all cut on keyframes which creates 6+ second clips. Is there a tool that will re-encode the input file and cut the accurate time or cut inaccurately, re-encode, and then cut accurately?

Best Answer

Cutting video with ffmpeg

You can accurately cut videos with FFmpeg. Since version 2.5 it's very easy.

This would for example cut 10 seconds, starting from 0 minutes, 3 seconds and 123 milliseconds.

ffmpeg -ss 00:00:03.123 -i input.mp4 -t 10 -c:v libx264 -c:a copy out.mp4

The position and the time may be either in seconds or in hh:mm:ss[.xxx] form.

Note that in these examples, video will be re-encoded using the x264 encoder; audio is copied over.

You can also use -to instead of -t to specify the end point instead of the duration. In this case, however, -to is equivalent to -t, since by putting the -ss in front of -i, ffmpeg will first seek to that point and then start outputting.

If the output does not appear to be cut correctly, adding -fflags +genpts to the command may help.

See also the Seeking wiki entry.

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