Linux – Access Windows Hard Drive

hard drivelinuxntfsntfs-3g

I have a hard drive with data on it that I have been using as external storage in Windows 7…when I plug it into my Linux machine this is what I see:

Block device, size 596.2 GiB (640135028224 bytes) 
Status: Not mounted - Unsupported file system or disk not formated 
Status: Not mounted - Unsupported file system or disk not formated 

What do I need to do w/o formatting and loss of data to be able to access this drive via Linux also?

It is an NTFS file system that is currently on the drive…and I am away from my computer so I can not verify which Linux distro I have running…

Best Answer

Check if you have ntfs-3g package installed as well as your kernel supports fuse. With ntfs-3g, you can mount like this:

    ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt/tmp

Change the device to adequate. It's good you read the ntfs-3g man.

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