Access localhost on Mac OS X from Parallels machine


i need to test my web site, running on a local Mac, under several browsers in Windows.

I use Windows XP, installed in Parallels Desktop.

It would be great, when i will be able to access my http://localhost:3000 from Windows, sitting in virtual environment (Parallels).

How to wire all the stuff up ?


I figured out, how to access shared web-site on the mac.

I have following settings:

Parallels Desktop -> Preferences -> Network -> Shared Network

"Parallels Shared Networking Adapter #0" i tweaked with ip=

From WinXP this ip is accessible via ping.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ping imac.local

Pinging imac.local [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

When on the Mac i turn the "Shared Web" on, the address "http://imac.local/~AntonAL" will get accessible from WinXP and Mac. Note, that i have set the name of my mac to "iMac", which is equivalent to ip=

But, the only problem, i can't figure out is unaccessible port 3000.

So, the address "http://imac.local:3000" is still does't work from WinXP. Actually, it is not accessible even from the Mac … possible i'm doing something wrong.

The question is – which address should i use in WinXP-side, to be able to access "localhost:3000" on the Mac-side? Tried ips of "Parallels Shared Networking Adapter #0", gateway, ip of the Mac, but still no success …

Best Answer

Try finding out your Mac's local IP address and accessing the webpage on your VM using that address.

You can find out your Mac's IP address under System Preferences, using the command ifconfig, or with some apps or Dashboard widgets (like iSlayer's iStat).

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