Access files and directories via HTTP

file managementftphttpweb

I've setup an FTP server in my Windows environment recently, but I discovered that in my corporate network FTP transmissions from/to outside the corp. LAN are forbidden.

Is there any "application" which enables me to access files and directories (allowing me to download them) via HTTP?

I have a web server running in the machine so I can setup any web written (HTML, PHP, …) program.

EDIT: Any connection to outside the LAN environment goes through a proxy (or something similar, it also filters some webs), they filter out-going and out-coming FTP and SSH connections (at least). They use a PAC in some computers.

EDIT: The solutions have to be OS independent in the client side, in my work I use UNIX and Linux environments.

Best Answer

First things first, is SFTP an option? Because it's really much better than FTP (being secure and all).

Now, by "forbidden" do you mean they say "don't do this, but we have no real way to stop you" or do you mean they block ports 20 and 21? Because it's easy enough to change the ports things listen on.

And finally, do you want WebDAV? It's relatively easy to setup depending on your server.

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