Microsoft Word – Font Not Rendering Despite Being Installed

fontsmicrosoft wordwindows 7

I have the Meta font family as .ttf and .otf files. On a Windows 7 laptop, I copied them into the Control Panel -> Fonts directory. But when I open a word document using a font of the Meta family, it gets rendered in another font (looks like Tahoma) and also prints in the other font.

Double-clicking the font files or copying them again into the fonts directory results in an error message telling me that the font is already installed. I know that the font files are OK, because I had them installed when the laptop still had Windows XP and I never had a problem then.

So, my question is, how do I install the font correctly so Word 2007 can use it?

Best Answer

Is your system up-to-date with the latest patches? Some time ago Microsoft patched their OpenType/TrueType rendering engine because of a security issue, and that caused some fonts to not work anymore. They fixed this later with a better fix that didn't disable those fonts.

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