A drawing tablet combined with a dual-monitor system issue


I have an Aiptek Media Tablet which I've used on my old computer for creating digital art.
For about a month now, I also have a new Quad-core Windows Vista 64-bits system with plenty of disk space and RAM.And the tablet works perfectly on my new system. Then, three weeks ago I also bought a second monitor and turned my setup in a dual-monitor system I didn't use my tablet for the next three weeks so I didn't realise that a dual-monitor will increase the desktop size. In my case, the desktop is now 3520×1200.

The problem now is that my tablet, which supports 4×3 and 16×9 modes is now used for a 3×1 mode. Thus, when drawing a circle on the tablet, it becomes an ellipse on the screen.

I hate that!

So, is there a solution to just limit a tablet to a single monitor? Are there other tablets that are more monitor-aware?

Best Answer

Wacom tablets let you map the area on the tablet to a part of the screen. This works perfectly - even on my triple monitor display.

Frankly, any other tablet is really a joke in comparison to the awesome power of a Wacom Intuos.

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