Mac – 802.1x with Hyper-V

802.1xhyper-vnetworkingvirtual machine

We are using 802.1x authentication inside the corporate network. When I installed HyperV Virtual Switch on my machine to let the VM into the network, the host lost its network connectivity.

I came upon a post on an MS support forum that 802.1x with Hyper-V is officially not supported by Windows 8.1. Apparently, the same problem exists on Windows 10.

How can one use Hyper-V VM and have connectivity for both host and VM in case of 802.1x authentication policy in the network?

Best Answer

According to Jeff Woolsey on, 802.1x support has been added:

In Windows Server 2019 & Windows 10 version 1809 & later we added support for 802.1x through the Hyper-V vSwitch. While many customers use IPSEC for transparent E2E network encryption, some still use 802.1×.

To enable 802.1x, run the following from an elevated command prompt:

reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\vmsmp\parameters" /v 8021xEnabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
shutdown /r /t 0

Further write-up by Didier Van Hoye on blog.

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