VPN – Using Two Internet Connections

home-networkinginternetvpnwindows 7

I am connecting to a VPN through my home computer but when I am connected to the VPN I can no longer access the internet on my personal PC. I need to then remote desktop into my PC at work to get internet access and this is really annoying. This there anyway I can "block" the internet access being provided by the VPN connection?

Best Answer

It is possible if you have a working knowledge of the route command in your OS. You can effectively tell your PC to only route traffic to the VPN network over the VPN connection, and send everything else over your normal connection.

It's hacky, but it can get the job done. The batch file I use is on my home PC so I can't give a sample right now. Hopefully someone who knows the commands off hand will be able to give you more info.

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