Windows – Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g dbconsole “Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage”


The dbconsole is configured and started, but when I navigate to it, Internet Explorer shows the page stating that "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". This is the error that means that IE received no response from the server at all. The firewall is completely disabled.

I've tried -deconfig and -config to no avail. Any thoughts that could possibly lead me down the path to fixing this are appreciated.

  • OS: Windows Server 2003 32-bit
  • DB: 11gR2 Enterprise Edition
  • EM: Whatever comes with DB 11gR2

I'm using the link that is automatically created for you when you run emctl -config dbconsole db. The URL is https://corp-svr-001-xxxxxx.xxxxx:5500/em where x represents an alphanumeric character removed for privacy. The reason it configures at port 5500 is that there is a 10g instance on the same server that already has port 1158. We recently updated it to 11g but haven't uninstalled 10g yet.

I've tried changing the URL to use localhost and the network IPv4 address to no avail.

Best Answer

I am also having trouble with I.E. accessing 3 separate servers with dbconsole installed. It worked a couple weeks ago, but not now. Firefox and Chrome both work for all sites. I am thinking a security update broke I.E.'s support for these pages.