Windows – Cluster network name resource ‘Cluster Name’ failed registration


I have a fail-over cluster set between two Windows Server 2016 machines, and I'm seeing errors regarding the DNS record, both for the cluster itself and for any listener I try to add in SQL high availability.

Cluster network name resource 'Cluster Name' failed registration of one or more associated DNS name(s) for the following reason:
DNS server failure.

Ensure that the network adapters associated with dependent IP address resources are configured with at least one accessible DNS server.

Properties of the cluster resource – img

I've looked through this link and I do see the DNS on my machines, after the records for the domain DNS – these DNS settings are automatically pushed from our DC and I'm not sure I can change them.
Has anyone experienced this? Is there another solution?

Best Answer

I have come across this issue with my dev environment usually when during the setup of the cluster, i skip the warning for network binding. When you run a cluster validation, do you receive any warnings or errors on the network. Anyways this link fix my issue. @Amr provided the solution to issue.


The cluster name resource which has been added to the DNS prior to setup active passive cluster ( or any type) need to be updated by the Physical nodes on behalf of the resource record itself. When the active node owns the resources it want to update the A record in the DNS database and DNS record which was created won’t allow any authenticated user to update the DNS record with the same owner


Delete the existing A record for the cluster name and re-create it and make sure select the box says “Allow any authenticated user to update DNS record with the same owner name “Don’t worry about breaking anything , this has “ZERO” impact to cluster simply delete the A record and re-create as it is suggested here.

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