Vertica – Why Start a Transaction if It Can’t Be Rolled Back?


I run the following statements against a Vertica database, one at a time:


UPDATE table
SET col1 = 'something'
WHERE col2 = 'something else';

FROM table
WHERE col1 = 'something';


I run the first line fine… OK, now I'm in a transaction.

I run my update… OK, that worked.

I run my SELECT test to make sure things worked as expected… Oh wait, it looks like I missed a condition in the WHERE clause of my UPDATE statement.

No worries! That's why I did this in a transaction.

Let's rollback:


[Vertica][JDBC](10040) Cannot use commit while Connection is in auto-commit mode.

Jones, hand over that roll of toilet paper you have on your desk.

So Vertica happily accepted my BEGIN TRANSACTION, knowing full well that very soon after that I would try to run either a ROLLBACK or COMMIT.

Yet, I can't! My connection is in auto-commit mode, so ROLLBACK and COMMIT mean nothing. My UPDATE was committed the moment it completed.

Did I miss something, or am I right in thinking this is just a very bad implementation on Vertica's part?

Why would Vertica accept a BEGIN TRANSACTION on a connection in auto-commit mode if the logical consequences (ROLLBACK or COMMIT) are illegal?

Best Answer

Vertica (actually, I think most if not all databases) behaves in this manner because the part that processes the BEGIN TRANSACTION SQL statement, namely the query parsing and execution engine, is not aware of the client AUTOCOMMIT setting. On the other hand, the client is not aware of the meaning of the string 'BEGIN TRANSACTION'.

The flow of control looks something like this, assuming the command line client vsql is used to run the example:

  1. User starts vsql and connects to the database.
  2. User enters \set AUTOCOMMIT on. After that moment the client (vsql) knows to issue an implicit COMMIT statement after each successful statement.
  3. User enters BEGIN TRANSACTION. vsql does not recognize that string as one of its internal commands and sends the string to the server for processing.
  4. Server recognizes the string as a valid SQL statement, compiles it, starts a transaction, and returns a successful result code to the client. Since autocommit is a client-side setting, the server has no idea about it.
  5. Client, upon receiving the successful result code, issues COMMIT to the server.
  6. Server complies and commits the transaction it has just started.
