Why keeps Oracle writing into WARNING_SETTINGS$


For tests we have Oracle 11 instance running on a RAM disc. Since the RAM disc is limited in size the database must not do any auditing or anything that keeps increasing the size of anything.

We managed to fix many such leaks but have one left which we don't know how to handle:

The database tries to write to the table


resulting (after a couple of weeks) in a

ORA-01653: unable to extend table SYS.WARNING_SETTINGS$ by 8 in tablespace SYSTEM 

while trying to create a database object (a trigger right now)

We tried to disable all writes to that table with this statement

  dbms_warning.add_warning_setting_cat('ALL', 'DISABLE', 'SYSTEM');

The questions are:

What is the purpose of that table?

Why does Oracle keep writing into it?

How do we make Oracle stop doing that?

Best Answer

Bug 11720698 with the title "SYS.WARNING_SETTINGS$ NOT CLEANED UP WHEN OBJECT IS DROPPED." may be causing this.