Why does dbms_scheduler max_run_duration not raise event JOB_OVER_MAX_DUR


Starting from this question and this example I've tried to create an event based dbms_scheduler job, which waits for event JOB_OVER_MAX_DUR raised from jobs, which exceeded their max_run_duration.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get the example to work for event JOB_OVER_MAX_DUR in Oracle 10gR2 on one particular box.

What I've tried is:

-- create log table
create table job_output (a timestamp with time zone, b varchar2(1000));

-- add an event queue subscriber for this user's messages
exec dbms_scheduler.add_event_queue_subscriber('myagent')

-- create a sniper procedure
create or replace procedure sniper_proc
  (message IN sys.scheduler$_event_info) as
  insert into job_output values (systimestamp,'sniper job started for '
   ||message.event_type||' from '
   ||'"'||message.object_owner||'"."'||message.object_name ||'"');

-- create a sniper program
  dbms_scheduler.create_program (
      program_name => 'sniper_prog',
      program_action=> 'sniper_proc',
      program_type => 'stored_procedure',
      number_of_arguments => 1,
      enabled => FALSE) ;
  dbms_scheduler.define_metadata_argument ('sniper_prog','event_message',1);

-- create a general purpose sniper job to log any job that has
-- raised an event
    event_condition =>
      'tab.user_data.event_type = ''JOB_OVER_MAX_DUR'' OR tab.user_data.event_type = ''JOB_SUCCEEDED''',
    queue_spec =>'sys.scheduler$_event_queue,myagent',

-- create job to test the sniper job
    ( 'first_job', job_action =>
        'insert into job_output values(systimestamp, ''first job begins'');
         commit; dbms_lock.sleep(120);
         insert into job_output values(systimestamp, ''first job ends'');',
      job_type => 'plsql_block',
      enabled => false ) ;
  -- set max runtime
    ( 'first_job' , 'max_run_duration' , interval '60' second);
  -- set all events to be raised (for debugging)
    name      => 'first_job',
    attribute => 'raise_events',
    value     => dbms_scheduler.job_all_events);
  -- start the job

For some reason the event JOB_OVER_MAX_DUR is either not raised or the sniper_job doesn't receive it. Only JOB_SUCCEEDED is received.

My log table looks like:

  FROM job_output

25.07.2012 10:39:11,475879 +02:00   sniper job started for JOB_SUCCEEDED from "SCOTT"."FIRST_JOB"
25.07.2012 10:39:10,155557 +02:00   first job ends
25.07.2012 10:37:10,142660 +02:00   first job begins

So no event JOB_OVER_MAX_DUR was received.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong or which init parameters I have to check/set or how to debug these events?

Edit: I'm interested why this isn't working in 10g. This example is working fine in 11g but not in 10g and I don't see any reason why.

Edit 2: The example is working fine at a different 10g box, but on the intended one it's not. I've checked all the %scheduler% dictionary views, but none of them gives details on which events have been raised. Any ideas/hints how to debug scheduler events? In this case I have DBA rights and OS server level access to debug.

Best Answer

When adding multiple attributes, try:

    name      => 'first_job',
    attribute => 'raise_events',
    value     => DBMS_SCHEDULER.job_succeeded + DBMS_SCHEDULER.some_attribute);

The valid values for event types (11gr2) is here. And according to docs, job_over_max_dur is enabled already for 11gr2.

Now, for 10g or 11gr1, I don't see job_over_max_dur in the list of event types raised by the scheduler. But you mentioned in earlier post that you will very soon migrate to 11gr2, so I assume you have a test box setup already that you can test this with 11gr2. If you really want to go down the rabbit hole with AQ, you can do more custom events, but it would probably be much easier to wait a bit until you're on 11gr2.


To add more info, first some basic scheduler stuff you can view to see whats running (or scheduled, or stalled, or whatever state):

select * from dba_scheduler_jobs
where owner = 'SOME_OWNER'
and job_name = 'SOME_JOB';

You can see if max_run_duration column is set and also the "raise_events" column will show a list of event types that are to be raised by each job. You should see "JOB_OVER_MAX_DUR" type here.

If you want to test if your db environment is handling the JOB_OVER_MAX_DUR properly, then you can setup a quick test:

    -- setup simple scheduler job
   DBMS_SCHEDULER.create_job (
      job_name        => 'EVENT_RAISING_JOB',
      job_type        => 'PLSQL_BLOCK',
      job_action      => 'BEGIN
      start_date      => SYSTIMESTAMP,
      end_date        => SYSTIMESTAMP + 2, -- 2 day
      repeat_interval => 'freq=daily; byhour=1',
      enabled         => TRUE);

    DBMS_SCHEDULER.set_attribute(name=>'event_raising_job', attribute=>'max_run_duration', value=>interval '60' second);

   DBMS_SCHEDULER.set_attribute(name => 'event_raising_job', attribute => 'raise_events',value => DBMS_SCHEDULER.job_all_events );


-- setup email notification
exec dbms_scheduler.add_job_email_notification( job_name=>'EVENT_RAISING_JOB',recipients=>'someuser@somedomain.com', events=>'job_all_events');

-- launch job
exec dbms_scheduler.run_job('EVENT_RAISING_JOB',false);

You should get 3 emails that this job: STARTED, SUCCEEDED, and JOB_OVER_MAX_DUR