Which one is better performance and (approach): store as rows or as a varchar column




  • TableA_ID (PK,int)
  • ..


  • TableB_ID (PK,int)
  • ..


  • TableC_ID (PK,int)
  • ..


  • TableA_ID (FK, int)
  • TableB_ID (FK, int)
  • TableC_ID (FK, int) (Nullable)

Composite Key on (TableA_ID,TableB_ID,TableC_ID)

I am thinking to design TableD as the following (OptionB)


  • TableA_ID (FK, int)
  • TableB_ID (FK, int)
  • TableC_ID (varchar(max) ) (Nullable)
    and remove the composite key.
    So, TableC_ID column will have something like these:

My application will need to use TableD as search a value in TableB_ID and/or TableC_ID column by giving the key for value in TableA_ID.

I am just wondering which option will be better performance.

Best Answer

Option B is a bad choice and to answer you question on performace.

Perfomance wise option A is better choice.

Option A will have simple query where as option B need to run complex sql query.

Option A offers better indexing options which in turn offers better performance.

Option A is neat and clean design.