Where Clause for Results Appearing after Occurence


I'm wondering if it's possible to find records that only appear after the first occurrence of a where clause. I'm currently using PostgreSQL for this example but something not PostgreSQL specific would be preferred.

If I had a table such as this for an example

drop table if exists dummy;
create table dummy (
   col_a   varchar(10),
   col_b   varchar(10),
   col_c   varchar(10),
   test    integer

insert into dummy values
('A', 'B', 'C', 1),
('B', 'C', 'A', 2),
('C', 'A', 'B', 3),
('D', 'E', 'F', 4);

If I run the bellow query I can get the data in a new order

select * from dummy
order by col_b;


C | A | B | 3
A | B | C | 1
B | C | A | 2
D | E | F | 4

Is it possible to do something so that I can only return the rows occurring after a certain where clause, something like

select * from dummy
/* where row appears after results 'A', 'B', 'C', 1 */
order by col_b;

To get

B | C | A | 2
D | E | F | 4


The reason I am not using where col_b > ? is because it doesn't cater for duplicate values

It would work until I need to match on an additional column like this

select * from dummy
where col_b > 'B'
and col_c > 'C'
order by col_b;

In which case it will return the last row because both values are above the cutoff but it is not cutting off after the first occurrence of the specified row.

I'm trying to have a where clause that can identify the specific row being row

A | B | C | 1

In this case

Best Answer

it seems you are looking for something like this:

with cte as 
    select *
        ,row_number() over(order by col_b) as rn
    from dummy
select * 
from cte
where rn > (select rn from cte where col_a = 'A' and col_b = 'B' and col_c = 'C' and test = 1 limit 1)