Using update query with subquery in Oracle sql


I have an update query where I am trying to update a field but for more than one record, I am trying a join but it doesn't work. Below I get multiple values that come back from the select statement but I think my syntax is incorrect below.

UPDATE sku@bn2 x 
   select g.prev_perm_ret, g.itm_cd
   from gm_prc_reg_prc_items g, sku@bn2 b
   where g.itm_cd=b.stylecode
   and b.storecode=00000
   and g.prev_perm_ret<>b.listprice
   and g.prev_perm_ret>g.ret_prc
   and b.sellprice=b.listprice
) y ON x.stylecode=g.itm_cd
SET x.listprice=y.prev_perm_ret

Best Answer

I would recommend to have a look into the merge into statement when youre deailing with oracle.

if you just want to update rows omit when not matched part of the statement

see and