Database Design – Use Only One Junction Table per Database?


I am currently working on a Database-Design for an insurer. Example-Entities are "Customer", "Address", "Vehicle", "Building" etc..
So there are many Relations and every Relation has some Context. e.g. Customer-Vehicle: Customer can be owner, driver, lessee of a vehicle…
Basically I see two options on how to handle that:

(1): A Junction Table for every relation, with the two foreign keys and a context-ID. This would lead to many junction tables, with partially very few data in it. Selects would be a little bit difficult, because of the amount of tables.

(2): One Junction Table for the whole Database. This table would contain two foreign keys, one key as to what relation it is (e.g. customer-vehicle) and a key for the context. This would lead to a huge junction table, but also simpler selects.

Which one is the better solution? Are there any main advantages/disadvantages or even other solutions I didn't think of?

Thank you for your help. If I didn't express myself clear enough or something is not understandable, please ask. (English is not my native language)

Best Answer

The first solution is the best.

  • The second solution will give you less tables but in case that you need to join 3 tables with 2 junctions you need to use the big junction table twice in your SQL.
  • In case that you want to create constraints between a table and it's junction (is practically mandatory) then this is not possible in the second solution. Your data integrity will not be checked by the database.
  • The ER diagram for the second solution will look complicated for somebody that needs to get data out of your database.