Update table with data from other table in remote oracle db


I have table X from remote Oracle DB A, and table Y in local Oracle DB B.

The data in Y is a partial copy of the data in X (X has some columns that aren't needed in Y; the columns I need in Y have the same names in both tables).

I periodically need to synchronize the data Y with what's in X (this is unidirectional – there's nothing in Y that needs to be copied back to X). Y has constraints that prevent simply dropping all the data in Y and repopulating it; I need to update what's already in 'Y', and insert any new rows from X that don't already exist in Y.

I've looked at a couple of options that won't work:

  • The copy feature in SQL Developer would copy X into a brand new table, not into Y
  • The export option would insert everything as new records, not update existing rows

What's the best way to do this?

Best Answer

I did it by: creating dblink from db A to DB B and using : merge into Y y using select X.columns from X@dblink x on (x.idX=y.idY) when matched then update set y.columns=x.columns --here ids are not included when not matched then insert (y.columns) values(x.columns) --ids are included x.colums and y.colums mean shared columns