Understanding Function Index


Looking at Oracle's docs on the Function Index, what's the meaning of rivers in the following?

CREATE INDEX area_index ON rivers (area(geo));

SELECT id, geo, area(geo), desc
     FROM rivers     
     WHERE Area(geo) >5000;

What's the importance of rivers with respect to this query?

Could dual have just been used?

Best Answer

It is the name of the table that the index is created on.


CREATE INDEX area_index ON rivers (area(geo));

.. creates a functional index on the rivers table, that uses the function area() on the column geo.

In simple terms, Oracle creates an index that pre-calculates the value of area(geo), thus making any lookups faster.

The query you have posted:

SELECT id, geo, area(geo), desc
FROM rivers     
WHERE Area(geo) >5000;

... can use the area_index functional index to select the pre-calculated value(s) of area(geo) without having to call the area() function for each row in the table.

Essentially, the query can look like this in pseudo-code:

SELECT id, geo, area_index_value, desc
FROM rivers     
WHERE area_index_value >5000;

The Oracle documentation explains this well.