Unable to connect SQL Managed instance in the vnet


One of our team member wanted to create a Managed instance for his testing and was asked to use existing vnet which was already configured to connect remotely and had other Managed instances for POC.

While building he checked the 'Prepare subnet for Managed instance'. The deployment which should not have taken more than an hour took 6-7 hours and we knew it has done some changes that will cause issues. The deployment was successful and managed instance is up and running.

The real issue :

We can't connect to the MI remotely from the domain anymore. We are investigating ,but would really be helpful if anyone can point out what it would be.

(PS: I am weak in Networksconcepts)

Best Answer

For POC, you can also try the public endpoint which is now available and can be configured through PowerShell. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Azure-SQL-Database/Public-endpoint-for-SQL-Database-Managed-Instance-is-available/ba-p/438996