Tracing/Logging of Sybase ASA


Trying to get logging/tracing of Sybase (Adaptive Server Anywhere). I wish to log all the SQL executed against the database.

I tried RIBO and while I got it "working," I never saw anything captured. Port 5003 for listen, server: localhost, and Server Port 2638.

I also tried ODBC tracing on WinXP but with limited success. I got some "connection information" but never any actual transaction tracing.

Best Answer

Take a look at the -zr switch on the server, which turns on "request level logging". Start the server with -zr all -zo reqlog.txt and then look at reqlog.txt after some queries have been executed. It's fairly verbose but should list the SQL that's being executed.

Disclaimer: I work for Sybase in SQL Anywhere engineering.

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