Time out while connecting to the database. Current time out value is 30 seconds


I am installing a repository creation utility on a windows 8 x64 bit system and getting the following error:

Time out while connecting to the database. Current time out value is 30 seconds

When I connect via sqdeveloper, it works fine.
My database connection details are:

- Database type: Oracle Database
- Host name: Bonge
- Port: 1521
- service name: XE
- Username: sys
- Password: XXXXX
- Role: Sysdba

Can anyone help me solve this problem?

Best Answer

Better use TNSNAMES.ORA file in your client. You can set Instant Client's timeout in SQLNET.ORA file


ORACLE_HOME is where your Instant Client binaries are and should be already added to your local environment variables.

If you don't know what Instant Client is, it is a binary dll that provides connection, execution and fetching capabilities over network. sqldeveloper has a lite one inside it's "installation" (read unzipped) folder, but you either have to reference to that manually, or install a proper one yourself. It can be downloaded from Oracle.com