Thesqldump still fails even with thesqldump –column-statistics=0


mysqldump still fails even when using mysqldump –column-statistics=0

# mysqldump --column-statistics=0 

Just returns

# mysqldump: [ERROR] unknown variable 'column-statistics=0'

Am I missing something obvious here?

EDIT: Even trying to get the version gives me an error.

mysqldump -v
mysqldump: [ERROR] unknown variable 'column-statistics=0'

Mysql version is:

# mysql -v
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1221
Server version: 5.7.27-0ubuntu0.16.04.1-log (Ubuntu)

Which mysql:

# which mysql

It's an Ubuntu server running ServerPilot. The ultimate aim is to run the SiteGround WordPress migration plugin, but it's failing with the Column Statistics error in it's log.

Also tried from the comments:

root@vultr:~# mysqldump --no-column-statistics
mysqldump: [ERROR] unknown variable 'column-statistics=0'
root@vultr:~# mysqldump --skip-column-statistics
mysqldump: [ERROR] unknown variable 'column-statistics=0'

and then even mysqldump on it's own errors:

# mysqldump
mysqldump: [ERROR] unknown variable 'column-statistics=0'

Best Answer

And what would be the use of this parameter?:

C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin>mysqldump --column-statistics=0 sakila -u root -p >d:\temp\stats.sql
Enter password: ********

C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin>mysqldump  sakila -u root -p >d:\temp\no-stats.sql
Enter password: ********

C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin>d:

D:\TEMP>dir *stats.sql
 Volume in drive D is HDD
 Volume Serial Number is D46B-804B

 Directory of D:\TEMP

17-11-2019  15:41         3.387.169 no-stats.sql
17-11-2019  15:41         3.387.169 stats.sql
               2 File(s)      6.774.338 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  62.853.836.800 bytes free

D:\TEMP>fc stats.sql no-stats.sql
Comparing files stats.sql and NO-STATS.SQL
***** stats.sql

-- Dump completed on 2019-11-17 15:41:41

-- Dump completed on 2019-11-17 15:41:58