Thesqldump: Got error: 1066: Not unique table/alias: ‘temp1’ when using LOCK TABLES


When I try to dump a whole database using

mysqldump -uabc -p --column-statistics=0 abc > abc.sql

The following error occured.

mysqldump: Got error: 1066: Not unique table/alias: 'temp1' when using LOCK TABLES

I have no problem in dumping other database in the same host, only this database is having problem.
What is the cause and how I can fix it?

Best Answer

This is may be you are having temp1 table with same name but the cases may be different.

Check the value of lower_case_table_names parameter in your instance.

Rename the same name table with unique name.

select table_schema,table_name
from information_schema.tables 
where lcase(table_name)='temp1';