Thesqldump file restore while sql is still being dumped


Im using MaridaDB 10, but my question applies to all mysql variants.
I have large dataset (70GB uncomressed when dumped to file).

The mysqldump process takes 2-3hours. The restore process takes even longer 10-14 hours.

I have a nfs share I use for syncing data between many servers. My question is specifically.. If I have mysqldump process running and outputting data to /nfs/file.sql and is at say ~35gb (50% complete). Can I start a restore process (mysql < /nfs/file.sql) on a different server and have it work as expected? (finish through the end of file when its complete).

Im not worried about restore process getting ahead of mysqldump. With even a 20% buffer, its unlikely.

Best Answer

You could do things to speed up this whole process

STEP 1 : Disable the double write buffer / increase log buffer size

Go to the target server. Login o mysql as root and run

mysql> SET GLOBAL innodb_fast_shutdown=0;

then restart mysqld like this

service mysql restart --innodb-doublewrite=OFF --innodb-log_buffer-size=268435456

This disables the double write buffer and make the log buffer 256M

Running SET GLOBAL innodb_fast_shutdown=0; beforehand does a complete flush of InnoDB.

STEP 2 : Pipe mysqldump from source server to target server

mysqldump ... | mysql ...

This will not save the dump to a file. This send the commands straight to the target server

STEP 3 : Restart mysqld on the target server (restore original options)

service mysql restart


I have suggested disabling the double write buffer before

I have also suggested piping mysqldump to mysql client before