MySQL – Fixing ‘mysqladmin -u root -p ping’ Execution Issues


I am getting the below error in mysql while trying to ping. i am using mysql version 5.5.37-0ubuntu0.12.04.1. when ever i use mysqladmin i am getting the below error.

Please suggest how to clear this issue

karthick.g.s@sumtwo:~$ mysqladmin -u root -p ping
Warning: mysqladmin: unknown variable 'loose-local-infile=1'
mysqladmin: unknown variable 'local-infile=1'

Best Answer

You probably have:


In your [client] section on /etc/my.cnf , /etc/mysql/my.cnf or /home/karthick.g.s/.my.cnf or somewhere else.

Change it to a [mysql] section so it doesn't affect mysqladmin.

You can also do:

$ mysqladmin --no-defaults -u root -p ping
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