Mysql – Wrong index been peeked


I have an index that filters 99% of the table i.e. ix_magic_composite (for that query arguments).
When I add another or filter it chooses the wrong index, i.e. fTS even if I create an index that starts with that field it still choose the wrong index. Run times are 20s vs 3s to the better index. ix_magic_composite index returns (initial filter) for both SQLs around 10 rows out of millions, while fTS returns millions back.

Kind of clueless. It looks to me as the statistics aren't giving the engine the right picture with all those columns combined.

I simplified the table, it has a lot more columns and indexes.

SQL w/ good plan:

select *
from tblExample
where 1=1
and status = 'okay'
and textCol > ''
and insrBLN = 1
and (magic is NULL or magic = '')
and (itemId is NULL or itemId = '')
and fTS > '2020-01-01'
and fTS > '2020-01-01'
order by fTS
limit 50

| id | select_type | table      | partitions | type        | possible_keys                                    | key                 | key_len | ref   | rows    | filtered | Extra                                              |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | tblExample | NULL       | ref_or_null | textCol,status,textCol_4,ix_magic_composite,fTS  | ix_magic_composite  | 53      | const | 5892974 |     0.24 | Using index condition; Using where; Using filesort |

SQL w/ bad plan:

select *
from tblExample
where 1=1
and status = 'okay'
and textCol > ''
and insrBLN = 1
and (magic is NULL or magic = '' or magic = 'retry')
and (itemId is NULL or itemId = '' or itemId = 'retry')
and fTS > '2020-01-01'
and fTS > '2020-01-01'
order by fTS
limit 50

| id | select_type | table      | partitions | type  | possible_keys                                   | key     | key_len | ref  | rows    | filtered | Extra                              |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | tblExample | NULL       | range | textCol,status,textCol_4,ix_magic_composite,fTS | fTS     | 5       | NULL | 6271587 |    0.18  | Using index condition; Using where |
+----+-------------+------------+------------+-------+-----------------------------------------    ----+---------+---------+------+---------+----------+------------------------------------+


CREATE TABLE `tblExample` (
  `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `status` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'new',
  `textCol` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `insrBLN` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `itemId` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL ,
  `magic` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL ,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `ix_magic_composite` (`itemId`,`magic`,`fTS`,`insrBLN`),
  KEY `fTS` (`fTS`)


We have refactor the code so the query looks like:

select *
from tblExample
where 1=1
and status = 'okay'
and textCol > ''
and insrBLN = 1
and (retry = '' or (retry='retry' and retryDT < now() - interval 1 day))
and fTS > '2020-01-01'
order by fTS
limit 50

The issue was NOT sorted (also tried different columns order in the index).
It looks like it chooses the right index only if I remove the order by.

Best Answer

Adding OR clauses makes it more difficult to estimate how well the index will filter. One solution is to add a generated always column that calculates whether the predicates for magic and itemId are satisfied, and index that:

CREATE TABLE tblExample (
  id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  status varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'new',
  textCol varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  insrBLN tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  itemId varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL ,
  magic varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL ,
  retry tinyint GENERATED ALWAYS AS 
      ( case when  (magic is NULL or magic = '' or magic = 'retry') 
               AND (itemId is NULL or itemId = '' or itemId = 'retry')
             then 1 
             else 0
      ) STORED,  
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `ix_magic_composite` (retry,`fTS`,`insrBLN`),
  KEY `fTS` (`fTS`)

The query can then be changed to:

FROM tblExample t
WHERE status = 'okay'
and textCol > ''
and insrBLN = 1
and retry
and fTS > '2020-01-01'
and fTS > '2020-01-01'  -- can be removed I assume
order by fTS
limit 50; 

The correct solution is probably to fix the data model, but that may not be possible.