Mysql – Will thesql_secure_install script block master updates to slave


I had setup two virtual mysql database servers in two oracle linux 6 vm's, which come with mysql server ver 5.1.47

Master named prod_master & slave named prod_slave1.

I installed both the mysql servers in two virtual hosts machines with mysql_secure_installation script :

  1. which removes test db
  2. change root password
  3. disable remote login

The bound ip-address for prod_master to & prod_slave1 to

  • I had enabled the bin-log and index in my.cnf on master and relay log in slave. On master, I had created user repl_user and granted replication privileges and started master. The master has successfully started and created bin-log.
  • When i issued the commands show master status, show binary logs, the logs are visible.
  • Coming to the slave, after configuring the my.cnf, issued the change master to using repl_user with credentials and issued the command start slave.
  • slave started. Then issued the command show slave status : it shows slave status like "connecting to master" in the slave attribute connection i/o error : unable to connect to the master with port no 3306.

I had granted the replication privileges with @192.168.1.%, and also issued the port on slave side. Now, here the major issue is: I couldn't connect remotely to the master or even from slave. From master connecting to slave :

mysql master> mysql -h -uroot -proot ( not able to connect )

I am not even getting connection refused error. And the same case even from slave to the master. After starting the slave i had viewed the slave mysql.log found that slave replication thread getting dead. due to connectivity issue. Is it problem , that i had installed using the script mysql_secure_install. Please guide me. I Want to know whether :

  1. grant issue for replication problem (or)
  2. because of the script mysql_secure_install

Note : Both the master and slave vm-machines are pinging on both sides.

Best Answer

If by disable remote login you mean it added skip-networking, you'll want to remove that from your my.cnf and restart mysql