Mysql – Why is this query sometimes slow, and what can I do to make it faster


I have a query to bin some log lines on a pre-processed "timeslice" field (this is unique every 15 minutes, for example "2018-04-11-15-3-3") There are approximately 6,000,000 rows in the database.

The performance seems slow and inconsistent; sometimes it will return a single timeslice and take 0.5 seconds, sometimes it will return thousands and take 0.0002 seconds.

SELECT  count(*), time_slice
    FROM  logs
    WHERE  deployment_id = 123
      and  type="FOO"
      and  received_at BETWEEN "2019-04-01 00:00:00" AND "2019-04-30 23:59:59"
    GROUP BY  time_slice 
  • timeslice is a VARCHAR(18)
  • deployment_id is an INT(10)
  • type is a VARCHAR(16)
  • received_at is a DATETIME

I've created an index on each of those columns, which helps. It's still very inconsistent.

EXPLAIN SELECT tells me that it's using the deployment_id and type indexes.

Alternatively, is there a better way to bin lines on a 15 minute interval?

Best Answer

Most likely, the EXPLAIN plan is probably stating that the query will perform an index merge. That's when two indexes are searched and the intersection between them yields the results.


You can probably achieve slight better performance by creating one index as follows:

ALTER TABLE logs ADD INDEX (deployment_id,type,received_at,time_slice);

This will read from the index only to generate results. It should not have to read from the table. The reason ? Every column in the query is in the index.


This will make the table bigger but can improve read speed.

If the performance is the same after creating the index, you can probably do without the index at this time.