MySQL DBA – Essential Concepts to Learn


I am a MySQL Developer, besides I am handling some DBA activities like
backup, restore, mysql installation, etc at a top level.

Now I wanted to shift to DBA, So I wanted to know in depth, like which and concepts should be gone through as a DBA.

Also, what and all to be monitored on a daily basis.

Please help me in this.

Best Answer

Storage Engine

You should be very fluent with the use of two main storage engines: MyISAM and InnoDB

You must learn :

MySQL Replication

You should understand such things as

  • What are the I/O and SQL Threads
  • When log-slave-updates is necessary for a slave
  • What allows you to write on a read-only slave
  • When it's appropriate to use MyISAM/blackhole on a slave for tables that are innodb on the master
  • How relay logs are populated
  • How to recognize slave errors
  • How to filter out/fileter in SQL for specific databases and tables
  • Why run backups for slaves rather than masters

Troubleshooting and Tuning Queries

  • Learn how to run EXPLAIN on queries
  • Learn how to create indexes to properly speed up queries
  • Learn how to tune queries
  • Learn how to activate the slow log
  • Learn how to convert the slow log into MyISAM


You should learn how to query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database for table info, row counts, last access info, and things like these.

Third Party Tools

The best tools that you should embrace are the following:

This is not a comprehensive list. However, it should be enough for anyone to be proficient as a Developer/DBA.

Here is Oracle's Certification Exam Descriptions that provide lists of skills within MySQL to have and know: EXAM1 and EXAM2

IMHO Here is a good set of MySQL Books to learn from