MySQL Cluster – Benefits and Advantages


I have never dipped my hands in MySQL Cluster and want to know how it can benefit me. When is it best to use it, and does it have performance benefits?

Best Answer

MySQL Cluster is designed around 3 core principles:

  • High availability (shared nothing, local and geographic replication, integrated heart-beating, automated failover and self-healing recovery, etc.)

  • Write-scalability and real time performance (auto-sharding, in-memory optimizations, etc)

  • Multiple database interfaces (SQL and NoSQL)

These are discussed in more detail in the following paper (note, registration required):

Adaptive Query Localization is a feature of the current MySQL Cluster 7.2 development release and rapidly improves performance of JOIN operations by pushing them down to the data nodes, thereby significantly reducing network traffic - to address the point Rolando makes above. You can read more about it here:

MySQL Cluster is licensed under the GPL and can be downloaded from, with on-line help via the forums: