Mysql – View active MySQL connections per user


I need a query that will give me the active or open number of connections to a certain database for a certain user. I have been searching for hours and have come up with nothing so far. I am close, so here is what I have tried.

  1. SHOW STATUS WHERE `variable_name` = 'Threads_connected';

  2. SHOW STATUS LIKE '%onn%';

  3. SELECT * FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE USER='database_user';

I work for a web hosting company, and one of our clients keeps hitting his max_user_connections limit, so in troubleshooting why I need to know how many connections his user is using right now since he is no a shared server. I am currently using MySQL (InnoDB) version 5.5.36. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

What you need is a breakdown by user and hostname along with a total

SELECT IFNULL(usr,'All Users') user,IFNULL(hst,'All Hosts') host,COUNT(1) Connections
    SELECT user usr,LEFT(host,LOCATE(':',host) - 1) hst
    FROM information_schema.processlist
    WHERE user NOT IN ('system user','root')

This will handle host address that have a colon separating hostname and port number

I hope everybody is not logging in as root