Mysql – Using the same primary key as a foreign key for every table


I'm trying to design a database to hold information that is compiled from different lists. I'd like to record each person listed and assign an ID but due to the nature of the lists and their lack of accuracy, a person could be listed as having multiple names, aliases or misspellings, also they may have no date of birth listed or multiple dates of birth. There are about 8 different attributes that can have no information for one person person can have multiple records for another person.

My question is.. if I have one table that lists the person's ID and where I got the information, would it make sense to have 8 other tables that use that ID as a foreign and primary key and also have columns such as the date(s) of birth associated with that person? Or is this overusing the primary key from the other table?

For example

person_id | list_name | list_source

person_id | year | month | day

person_id | first | middle | last

I'm very new to all of this and don't know enough to even start my google search on different methods of setting up a database or what a database of this type would be called (if that's a thing?) so even proper terminology for what I'm doing what be appreciated!

Best Answer

In general it is bad schema design to have two tables in a 1:1 relationship. (There are exceptions, but yours is not one.)

In general, birthdate should be a single column of type DATE, not 3 columns.