Mysql – Use timestamp(or datetime) as part of primary key (or part of clustered index)


I use following query frequently:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE Timestamp > [SomeTime] AND Timestamp < [SomeOtherTime] and publish = 1 and type = 2 order by Timestamp

I would like to optimize this query, and I am thinking about put timestamp as part of primary key for clustered index, I think if timestamp is part of primary key , data inserted in table has write to disk sequentially by timestamp field.Also I think this improve my query a lot, but am not sure if this would help.

table has 3-4 million+ rows.
timestamp field never changed.
I use mysql 5.6.11

Anothet point is : if this is improve my query , it is better to use timestamp(4 byte in mysql 5.6) or datetime(5 byte in mysql 5.6)?

Best Answer

Consider the following:

  • An ideal index for this query would be KEY (publish, type, Timestamp). By your choice of query I get that filtering by publish and type is common.
  • If the above is correct, then data inserted into table will not be sequential by Timestamp anyhow
  • A PRIMARY KEY is unique. Are you certain you are not allowed to have two identical Timestamp values? Remember that resolution is 1 second, so it is very common to have same TIMESTMAP values for different rows.
  • I usually like an AUTO_INCREMENT columns as PRIMARY KEY (see Reasons to use AUTO_INCREMENT columns on InnoDB). Just use a normal index on (publish, type, Timestamp) is my general opinion.