Mysql – Updating multiple thesql rows where column has specific value


I have 1 CSV file with 50,000 rows of data and 2 columns.

The columns are user ID's and twitter profile photos.


I have a MYSQL database and am interested in updating 1 table that looks like this.

umeta_id  - primary key ( we do not have this in our csv )
user_id -  This is the first column in our csv       
meta_key -  We want to update when meta_key is 'twitter_photo'   
meta_value - twitter profile photos go here

enter image description here

I can update 1 row with query like this

UPDATE `wp_usermeta`
SET meta_value=''
WHERE meta_key LIKE 'twitter_photo'
AND user_id='24525';

I have been struggling to figure out how to do multiple rows. I tried this but it does not work.

 UPDATE `wp_usermeta` SET `meta_value` = CASE `user_id`
                      WHEN 24525 THEN ''
                      WHEN 27753 THEN ''
                      WHEN 24434 THEN ''
                      ELSE `meta_value`
         WHERE `user_id` IN (24525, 27753, 24434) AND `meta_key` LIKE 'twitter_photo';

Any help in the right direction would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

create table temp with two fields your have in your csv and

load data infile '/path/your.csv' into table temp FIELDS TERMINATED BY ā€˜,ā€™ LINES TERMINATED BY ā€˜\nā€™;

then perform join

update wp_usermeta, temp set wp_usermeta.meta_value=temp.meta_value where wp_usermeta.user_id=temp.user_id;