MySQL Upgrade Issues – Resolving Sticky Problems After MySQL Upgrade


  1. few weeks ago we upgraded mysql server from 5.5 to 5.6

  2. on 1st server few days ago (5May) I reboot mysql server , after this customer reported that some database data table not load to their site . (mostly phpfox – also few in other scripts) – also new data not submitted to database

  3. I was reinstall mysql – disable cloudlinux – cagefs … but problem not resolve. also rebuild php

  4. after above , I move that database to remote-mysql-test-server with same Mysql version (5.6) and problem resolved. So I found this problem mysql related

  5. yesterday in an other server like above (server B – that mysql upgraded from 5.5 – 5.6 few weeks ago) when mysql server restart , same problem occurred . for example when I answer ticket (WHMCS) , this date not submitted to ticket … some clients can't update their site .

few website error like this :
SQL] [1364] Field 'stat_time' doesn't have a default value
STRING: INSERT INTO pn_statistics (stat_name,stat_value) VALUES ('Day-1394-02-24','0')

also in this server when I move database to remote-mysql-test-server this problem resolved.

  1. I speak with few system admin and they can't find my issue .

Any suggestion ?

Best Answer


I think your problem stems from a change in sql_mode.


Run this command

SET GLOBAL sql_mode = '';

Then, add this to my.cnf to keep sql_mode blank should you restart mysqld

sql_mode = ''

You do not need to restart mysqld since you set it globally