MySQL – Transferring Grants from One DB to Another


I would like to migrate a mysql DB from one server (Server A) to another (Server B). I took a Mysqldump and imported into the B.

Now, I would also like to export all the grants from A to B, to do so I did the following:

  • Ran the following on server A and got all the grants:

    mysql -u root -B -N -p -e "SELECT user, host FROM user" mysql

enter image description here

  • I specifically wanted the grants for user galaxy, readgalaxy and writegalaxy so I ran the following command on server A to get them:

    mysql -u root -p -B -N -e"SHOW GRANTS FOR 'galaxy'@localhost";
    mysql -u root -p -B -N -e"SHOW GRANTS FOR 'readgalaxy '@localhost";
    mysql -u root -p -B -N -e"SHOW GRANTS FOR 'writegalaxy '@localhost";
    mysql -u root -p -B -N -e"SHOW GRANTS FOR 'writegalaxy '@localhost";
  • I got the grants and then ran those grants against the server B like this:

    GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'readgalaxy'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 
      PASSWORD '*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';

I get the following output:

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
  • Ran the following on server B:

    mysql> SELECT user,host,password FROM mysql.user;


  • But now when I try to see the grant that I allocated to user readgalaxy, I get the following error:

    ERROR 1141 (42000): There is no such grant defined for user 'readgalaxy' on host 'localhost'

What's happening here?

Best Answer

An easier way is to use pt-show-grants.

On source server:

$ pt-show-grants -uroot -p > grants.sql

Destination server:

$ mysql -uroot -p < grants.sql
$ mysql -uroot -p -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"