MariaDB Traffic Simulator Tool


I made a MariaDB Tuning course, and it's very important to test the system with real traffic and real data, simulate a Production server basically.

The data is easy to replicate, just a dump, or even replication for have the database updated. But how do you test your traffic for make statistics? You can't replicate your users and their consumption of the server's resources, can you?

Do you know any tool that I could use for simulating this traffic?

Best Answer

There are no 100% real workload replication tools for MySQL (at least 100% free)

All you could do is only simulate:

With Playback - You can not replay collisions as it was on real server With JMeter (and similar). You would need to define queries by yourself.

Depending from what you want to demonstrate it could be easy or hard to prepare a proper simulation.

Sometimes for proper problem simulation all you need is mysqlslap. Run 3-4 instances with different queries and you can simulate locks, deadlocks etc.