Mysql – Tokudb 5.7 [Warning] The partition engine is deprecated and will be removed in a future release


I am running upgrade from Tokudb 5.6.30 to 5.7.17 (Percona distribution) and I am getting this warning

[Warning] The partition engine, used by table ‘my_table’, is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.

Does it mean that I can still use it in 5.7.17 tokudb, but to use native partitioning in a future releases (8.0) I will have to rebuild this table to use innodb. In other words, is Percona or any other distribution going to support partioning in Tokudb beyond 5.7?

Best Answer

It remains to be seen.

Oracle's MySQL 8.0 is

  • Moving partitioning support into the InnoDB engine.
  • Removing MyISAM.
  • Building a "Data Dictionary" (in InnoDB tables) that replaces .frm files, etc.

This leads to action items for the "forks" -- MariaDB, Percona, Aurora, etc.:

  • Continue to keep MyISAM, TokuDB, Aria, etc.? Or abandon?
  • Abandon Partitioning for that engine? Or re-implement it?
  • Implement usage of the Data Dictionary for that engine? Or keep old mechanism?

Attend Percona Live in April; there will be plenty of Percona, etc, folks there to address the question (if they have decided by then).