Mysql – Tips about MySQL installation


I'm starting to prepare my server for a classic configuration Apache PhP MySQL.

  • I installed Apache 2.2.24 without problems. (Output "It works").
  • I installed php 5.2.1 – win32 – installer. (launching info.php I see I see all configuration details).

Now I have to install MySQL.


Which version do you recommend suitable for Apache 2.2.24 and PHP 5.2.1.
You could attach the link?

P.s.: only classic configuration (no wamp or others).

Best Answer

Load them all at once - WAMP. Their current version has 64-bits (or 32-bits) with

  • Apache 2.4.9
  • MySQL 5.6.17
  • PHP 5.5.12
  • PHPMyAdmin 4.1.14
  • SqlBuddy 1.3.3
  • XDebug 2.2.5

That should be easier and better than installing end-of-life software.