Mysql – Time to import an sql dump


I'm currently uploading one of Wikipedia's dump files. It has 1GB compressed and ~7GB uncompressed. It has been importing it for 6 hours already. The size of the imported table in MySQL is at the moment 1.5GB(data+indexes). Will it continue to import until the size of the table will reach 7GB?

Note: The data directory of the database in on an external HDD. Considering this is only a development, so I'm not concerned by the real performance.

Best Answer

Can't say about the size, but you could try and check for the last entry or the amount of entries in the dump and then check for the current last entry in your database. This might help you determine the time the import will take till it finishes.

The size of the imported data might even get bigger than the uncompressed 7GB, since the indexes are usually not contained in dumps but get built on insert.

As a sidenote: This is also a way to speed up the import itself: drop the index during import and rebuild it later on, this helped me several times to speed things up.