Mysql – time executing inserts + slow SSH


_ Hello,

my setup is a slow SSH to some linux machine. From there I start a mysql terminal client and execute about 200k inserts (in a while loop inside a stored procedure). This takes about 3 hours to complete. However, my inner sense is telling me that 200k inserts can't take that long (the DB is empty btw), so I am guessing that DB's feedback (line prints to terminal's stdin file descriptor) gets printed onscreen too slow; first on the local terminal on the linux machine, and then even slower on my screen I am SSH-ing from.

I would surely like to turn off all feedback from mysqld so that I would know when the inserts finished only when the mysql's client prompt got back. Probably much sooner than 3 hours. How could I do that ?

/etc/my.cnf follows:

# Default to using old password format for compatibility with mysql 3.x
# clients (those using the mysqlclient10 compatibility package).

# Disabling symbolic-links is recommended to prevent assorted security risks;
# to do so, uncomment this line:
# symbolic-links=0


follows the stored procedures:

    select 'Initializing database..';
call TigInitdb();

-- Possible encodings are:
-- - 'PLAIN'
-- More can be added if needed.
call TigPutDBProperty('password-encoding', 'PLAIN');
call TigPutDBProperty('schema-version', '4.0');

select 'Adding new users with PlainPw: ', '+391xxxxxx', 'pwd_xxxxxx';
drop function if exists TigUserGen;

delimiter //

create procedure TigAddUser(_user_id varchar(2049) CHARSET utf8, _user_pw varchar(255) CHARSET utf8)
    declare res_uid bigint unsigned;

    insert into tig_users (user_id, sha1_user_id, user_pw)
        values (_user_id, sha1(lower(_user_id)), _user_pw);

    select LAST_INSERT_ID() into res_uid;

    insert into tig_nodes (parent_nid, uid, node)
        values (NULL, res_uid, 'root');

    if _user_pw is NULL then
        update tig_users set account_status = -1 where uid = res_uid;
    end if;

    select res_uid as uid;
end //

create procedure TigUserGen(usr_count INT)
    DECLARE cnt,len INT;  
    DECLARE usr CHAR(6);  
    SET cnt = 0;
    SET len = 0;
    SET usr = '';  

    WHILE cnt < usr_count DO  
        SET cnt = cnt + 1;
        SET usr = CAST(cnt AS CHAR(6));
        SET len = CHAR_LENGTH(usr);
        CASE len
            WHEN 1 THEN 
                call TigTestAddUser(CONCAT('+39100000', usr), CONCAT('pwd_00000', usr), 'SUCCESS - adding new user', 'ERROR - adding new user');
            WHEN 2 THEN 
                call TigTestAddUser(CONCAT('+3910000', usr), CONCAT('pwd_0000', usr), 'SUCCESS - adding new user', 'ERROR - adding new user');
            WHEN 3 THEN 
                call TigTestAddUser(CONCAT('+391000', usr), CONCAT('pwd_000', usr), 'SUCCESS - adding new user', 'ERROR - adding new user');
            WHEN 4 THEN 
                call TigTestAddUser(CONCAT('+39100', usr), CONCAT('pwd_00', usr), 'SUCCESS - adding new user', 'ERROR - adding new user');
            WHEN 5 THEN 
                call TigTestAddUser(CONCAT('+3910', usr), CONCAT('pwd_0', usr), 'SUCCESS - adding new user', 'ERROR - adding new user');
                call TigTestAddUser(CONCAT('+391', usr), CONCAT('pwd_', usr), 'SUCCESS - adding new user', 'ERROR - adding new user');
        END CASE;
    END WHILE;  
end //

delimiter ;

call TigUserGen(200000);


Best Answer

Try commenting out the echoing of the uid

create procedure TigAddUser(_user_id varchar(2049) CHARSET utf8, _user_pw varchar(255) CHARSET utf8)
    declare res_uid bigint unsigned;

    insert into tig_users (user_id, sha1_user_id, user_pw)
        values (_user_id, sha1(lower(_user_id)), _user_pw);

    select LAST_INSERT_ID() into res_uid;

    insert into tig_nodes (parent_nid, uid, node)
        values (NULL, res_uid, 'root');

    if _user_pw is NULL then
        update tig_users set account_status = -1 where uid = res_uid;
    end if;

    -- select res_uid as uid;
end //

Try throttling the output of the ids in groups of 1250

create procedure TigUserGen(usr_count INT)
    DECLARE cnt,len,echo_count,echo_limit INT;  
    DECLARE usr CHAR(6);  
    SET cnt = 0;
    SET len = 0;
    SET usr = '';  

    SET echo_limit = 1250;    
    SET echo_count = 0;    
    WHILE cnt < usr_count DO  
        SET cnt = cnt + 1;
        SET echo_count = echo_count + 1;
        SET usr = CAST(cnt AS CHAR(6));
        SET len = CHAR_LENGTH(usr);
        CASE len
            WHEN 1 THEN 
                call TigTestAddUser(CONCAT('+39100000', usr), CONCAT('pwd_00000', usr), 'SUCCESS - adding new user', 'ERROR - adding new user');
            WHEN 2 THEN 
                call TigTestAddUser(CONCAT('+3910000', usr), CONCAT('pwd_0000', usr), 'SUCCESS - adding new user', 'ERROR - adding new user');
            WHEN 3 THEN 
                call TigTestAddUser(CONCAT('+391000', usr), CONCAT('pwd_000', usr), 'SUCCESS - adding new user', 'ERROR - adding new user');
            WHEN 4 THEN 
                call TigTestAddUser(CONCAT('+39100', usr), CONCAT('pwd_00', usr), 'SUCCESS - adding new user', 'ERROR - adding new user');
            WHEN 5 THEN 
                call TigTestAddUser(CONCAT('+3910', usr), CONCAT('pwd_0', usr), 'SUCCESS - adding new user', 'ERROR - adding new user');
                call TigTestAddUser(CONCAT('+391', usr), CONCAT('pwd_', usr), 'SUCCESS - adding new user', 'ERROR - adding new user');
        END CASE;
        IF echo_count >= echo_limit THEN
            SELECT CONCAT('Users Generated : ',cnt) TigUserGenStatus;
            SET echo_count = 0;
        END IF;
    END WHILE;  
    IF echo_count >= 0 THEN
        SELECT CONCAT('Users Generated : ',cnt) TigUserGenStatus;
    END IF;
end //

delimiter ;

call TigUserGen(200000);