Mysql – Time difference


I was working with SQL and I found something unusual. I was calculating the time difference between two datetimes in h:m:s format using SQL

select time_format(timediff(
    '2015-09-12 18:47:15',
    '2015-09-12 18:38:33'),'%h:%i:%s') as time_down

This returns 12:08:39 which is incorrect and it should be 00:08:39

select time_format(timediff(
    '2015-09-12 18:10:04',
    '2015-09-12 16:34:05'),'%h:%i:%s') as time_down

This returns 1:35:59 which is correct

But when I changed %h to %H the result of the first query was correct.

What is the explanation?

Best Answer

Your situation is simple. You're trying to format a time result that is 00:08:42 and according with the MySQL date and time functions, %h for Hour (01..12), you're converting 00(hour) to 12. If you change it for %H you will get the desired result %H for Hour (00..23).

Try this test:

mysql> select
    -> timediff('2015-09-12 18:47:15','2015-09-12 18:38:33') as timediffA,
    -> timediff('2015-09-12 18:10:04','2015-09-12 16:34:05') as timediffB,
    -> time_format(timediff('2015-09-12 18:47:15','2015-09-12 18:38:33'),'%h:%i:%s') as time_A_wtimeformath,
    -> DATE_FORMAT(timediff('2015-09-12 18:47:15','2015-09-12 18:38:33'),'%h:%i:%s') as time_A_wdateformath, 
    -> DATE_FORMAT(timediff('2015-09-12 18:47:15','2015-09-12 18:38:33'),'%H:%i:%s') as time_A_wdateformatH, 
    -> time_format(timediff('2015-09-12 18:10:04','2015-09-12 16:34:05'),'%h:%i:%s') as time_B_wtimeformath,
    -> DATE_FORMAT(timediff('2015-09-12 18:10:04','2015-09-12 16:34:05'),'%h:%i:%s') as time_B_wdateformath,
    -> DATE_FORMAT(timediff('2015-09-12 18:10:04','2015-09-12 16:34:05'),'%H:%i:%s') as time_B_wdateformatH;
| timediffA | timediffB | time_A_wtimeformath | time_A_wdateformath | time_A_wdateformatH | time_B_wtimeformath | time_B_wdateformath | time_B_wdateformatH |
| 00:08:42  | 01:35:59  | 12:08:42            | 12:08:42            | 00:08:42            | 01:35:59            | 01:35:59            | 01:35:59            |
1 row in set (0,01 sec)


Try it in SQLFiddle.