Mysql – Synchronize two MySQL databases between two servers


Is there any way to connect a database on two servers inside a trigger?

I have 2 databases on 2 servers. The first server is the primary, and the second server is the secondary. I want to sync both databases with each other.

I've tried using a trigger but it looks like that can only update data in the same server, however I want to sync the data from server one to server two.

Is there any way to do that?

MySQL version :- 5.0.12 (10.1.36-MariaDB)

Purpose of replication: read-write and read data spritely (for performance)

Best Answer

Use replication. Triggers aren't needed.

There are replication filters and replicate_do_db will limit the replication to a single database. This operates differently depending on binlog_format=row or statement in the same way mysql does. For simplicity binlog_format=row gives the most expected behaviour.