Mysql – Storing math,physics equations in thesql Database


I am working on a project where different unicode characters has to be stored in table.
math equations, physics formulae , subscript X2 , superscript X2.

greek characters like Link

I have made all tables collation and charset as utf16 , but problem I am facing is in data entry.

I have to manually enter data into tables because of some reasons, I am using sequel pro tool for data entry, many characters coming fine but subscript and superscript not coming properly, they will be treated as normal character. Also I am not sure whether sequel pro supports any kind of data or not, later I may face problem with some other characters. So is there any proper way to deal with this?

Also let me know whether utf16 is ok for collation and charset ?

Kindly let me know if any such tool which support all kind of data.

Best Answer

Do you have some way of entering utf16? I don't know of such, except internally in Java. The world is moving toward utf8, not utf16.

I recommend using utf8mb4 throughout. The collation may not matter; the default is utf8mb4_general_ci, but _bin or _unicode_ci are also possibilities.

A little history lesson on why I suggest utf8mb4 instead of utf8. More than a decade ago, MySQL added utf8, but coded it only to the extent of the 3-byte encodings. Recently, a number of 'new' Chinese characters have come out that need a 4-byte encoding. And there are other sets that need 4 bytes. MySQL realized that expanding its utf8 to 4 bytes would be far too incompatible, so it added utf8mb4 (think "MultiByte4"). A lot more info on utf8, etc: