MySQL – Stored Procedure Comparison Issues in MySQL 5.6


Hi I tried implementing the below stored procedure which always takes my if condition as true and implements .

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `InsertOpen`(in uid varchar(11),in S_ID varchar(20))
    if(SELECT COUNT(Slot_ID) FROM smart_scheduler1.work_schedule where Employee_ID=uid AND Schedule_ID=S_ID = 0) THEN

        UPDATE `smart_scheduler1`.`work_schedule` SET `Employee_ID`=uid WHERE `Schedule_ID`=S_ID;
        SELECT COUNT(Slot_ID) FROM smart_scheduler1.work_schedule where Employee_ID=uid AND Schedule_ID=S_ID;


My question is how do I compare a query with a value or integer in stored procedure if condition?

I am novice in Database , please help me. I would be very pleased if you could get me a good tutorial on stored procedure as I was not able to find much materials on stored procedures online.

Best Answer

Your if condition should actually almost always be false, unless you have an entry where schedule_id = 0.

It may be surprising, but in MySQL you can write something like this:

root@localhost:(none) > select 1=1=1;
| 1=1=1 |
|     1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

root@localhost:(none) > select 1=1=2;
| 1=1=2 |
|     0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

So in your case you actually don't compare anything in your if condition, there is just a query which returns a number. And the if condition is true whenever it's not 0.

The solution here is to use parantheses.

IF((SELECT COUNT(Slot_ID) FROM smart_scheduler1.work_schedule where Employee_ID = uid AND Schedule_ID = S_ID) = 0) THEN

Or you could do

IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT Slot_ID FROM smart_scheduler1.work_schedule where Employee_ID = uid AND Schedule_ID = S_ID) THEN

I personally like to use (NOT) EXISTS very much, not only because it's so easily readable, but EXISTS stops as soon as an entry is found and doesn't continue to search till the very end, although the exact number is of no interest.

If the exact number matters, you can of course also use variables like this:

SELECT @my_variable := COUNT(Slot_ID) FROM smart_scheduler1.work_schedule where Employee_ID=uid AND Schedule_ID=S_ID
IF(@my_variable = 0) THEN


DECLARE my_variable INT;
SELECT COUNT(Slot_ID) INTO my_variable FROM smart_scheduler1.work_schedule where Employee_ID=uid AND Schedule_ID=S_ID
IF(my_variable = 0) THEN

You can read about the differences of these two kinds of variables here and here.